Gene Review:
TF - transferrin
Bos taurus
- Production and characterization of chimeric transferrins for the determination of the binding domains for bacterial transferrin receptors. Retzer, M.D., Kabani, A., Button, L.L., Yu, R.H., Schryvers, A.B. J. Biol. Chem. (1996)
- The distribution of ferritin, lactoferrin and transferrin in granulomatous lymphadenitis of bovine paratuberculosis. Momotani, E., Whipple, D.L., Thiermann, A.B. J. Comp. Pathol. (1988)
- Orally administered HSV-specific transfer factor (TF) prevents genital or labial herpes relapses. Pizza, G., Viza, D., De Vinci, C., Palareti, A., Cuzzocrea, D., Fornarola, V., Baricordi, R. Biotherapy (Dordrecht, Netherlands) (1996)
- De novo initiation of specific cell-mediated immune responsiveness in chickens by transfer factor (specific immunity inducer) obtained from bovine colostrum and milk. Wilson, G.B., Poindexter, C., Fort, J.D., Ludden, K.D. Acta Virol. (1988)
- Vectorial secretion of transferrin and androgen binding protein in Sertoli cell cultures: effect of extracellular matrix, peritubular myoid cells and medium composition. Janecki, A., Steinberger, A. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. (1987)
- An endocrine approach to the control of epidermal growth: serum-free cultivation of human keratinocytes. Maciag, T., Nemore, R.E., Weinstein, R., Gilchrest, B.A. Science (1981)
- Cell cycle control of c-kit+IL-7R+ B precursor cells by two distinct signals derived from IL-7 receptor and c-kit in a fully defined medium. Yasunaga, M., Wang, F., Kunisada, T., Nishikawa, S., Nishikawa, S. J. Exp. Med. (1995)
- Divalent Rab effectors regulate the sub-compartmental organization and sorting of early endosomes. de Renzis, S., Sönnichsen, B., Zerial, M. Nat. Cell Biol. (2002)
- A dominant-negative clathrin mutant differentially affects trafficking of molecules with distinct sorting motifs in the class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) pathway. Liu, S.H., Marks, M.S., Brodsky, F.M. J. Cell Biol. (1998)
- Characterization of the ligand-binding site of the transferrin receptor in Trypanosoma brucei demonstrates a structural relationship with the N-terminal domain of the variant surface glycoprotein. Salmon, D., Hanocq-Quertier, J., Paturiaux-Hanocq, F., Pays, A., Tebabi, P., Nolan, D.P., Michel, A., Pays, E. EMBO J. (1997)
- Mechanisms of estrogen action on the proliferation of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells in an improved culture medium. Furuya, Y., Kohno, N., Fujiwara, Y., Saitoh, Y. Cancer Res. (1989)
- Characterization of the mucin differentiation in human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines. Yang, P.C., Luh, K.T., Wu, R., Wu, C.W. Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. (1992)
- Effect of melanocyte stimulating hormone on human cultured choroidal melanocytes, uveal melanoma cells, and retinal epithelial cells. Goodall, T., Buffey, J.A., Rennie, I.G., Benson, M., Parsons, M.A., Faulkner, M.K., MacNeil, S. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (1994)
- Development of a serum-free medium which supports the long-term growth of human and nonhuman primate lymphoid cells. Brown, R.L., Griffith, R.L., Neubauer, R.H., Rabin, H. J. Cell. Physiol. (1983)
- Effect of serum albumin on siderophore-mediated utilization of transferrin iron. Konopka, K., Neilands, J.B. Biochemistry (1984)
- Efficacy of transfer factor in treating patients with recurrent ocular herpes infections. Meduri, R., Campos, E., Scorolli, L., De Vinci, C., Pizza, G., Viza, D. Biotherapy (Dordrecht, Netherlands) (1996)
- Factors controlling the proliferative rate, final cell density, and life span of bovine vascular smooth muscle cells in culture. Gospodarowicz, D., Hirabayashi, K., Giguère, L., Tauber, J.P. J. Cell Biol. (1981)
- Intracellular colocalization of variant surface glycoprotein and transferrin-gold in Trypanosoma brucei. Webster, P., Grab, D.J. J. Cell Biol. (1988)
- Comparison of the ability of basement membranes produced by corneal endothelial and mouse-derived Endodermal PF-HR-9 cells to support the proliferation and differentiation of bovine kidney tubule epithelial cells in vitro. Gospodarowicz, D., Lepine, J., Massoglia, S., Wood, I. J. Cell Biol. (1984)
- Effects of oxygen tension and supplements to the culture medium on activation and development of bovine follicles in vitro. Gigli, I., Byrd, D.D., Fortune, J.E. Theriogenology (2006)
- Effects of sperm treatments on the in vitro development of bovine oocytes in semidefined and defined media. Jaakma, U., Zhang, B.R., Larsson, B., Niwa, K., Rodriguez-Martinez, H. Theriogenology (1997)
- Sertoli cell function varies along the seminiferous tubule: the proportion and response of transferrin secretors differ between stage-associated tubule segments. Garza, M.M., Schwarz, L.K., Bonner, J.M., Boockfor, F.R. Endocrinology (1991)
- Glomerular endothelial injury associated with free radical production induced by a fungal cell wall component, (1-->3) beta-D glucan. Iwamoto, N., Yoshioka, T., Nitta, K., Ito, K. Life Sci. (1998)
- Bovine 'transfer factor': an oligoribonucleopeptide which initiates antigen-specific lymphocytes responsiveness. Wilson, G.B., Paddock, G.V., Fudenberg, H.H. Thymus (1982)
- Developments in immunotherapy. Krakowka, S. Modern veterinary practice. (1981)
- Polymorphisms in blood proteins of Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle breeds of Cameroon and Nigeria, and description of new albumin variants. Ibeagha-Awemu, E.M., Jäger, S., Erhardt, G. Biochem. Genet. (2004)
- Regulation of Fas antigen (Fas, CD95)-mediated apoptosis of bovine granulosa cells by serum and growth factors. Quirk, S.M., Harman, R.M., Cowan, R.G. Biol. Reprod. (2000)
- Endothelial Ca2+ waves preferentially originate at specific loci in caveolin-rich cell edges. Isshiki, M., Ando, J., Korenaga, R., Kogo, H., Fujimoto, T., Fujita, T., Kamiya, A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1998)
- Continuous culture and soft agarose cloning of multiple human breast carcinoma cell lines in serum-free medium. Calvo, F., Brower, M., Carney, D.N. Cancer Res. (1984)
- Constitutive lysosomal targeting and degradation of bovine endothelin-converting enzyme-1a mediated by novel signals in its alternatively spliced cytoplasmic tail. Emoto, N., Nurhantari, Y., Alimsardjono, H., Xie, J., Yamada, T., Yanagisawa, M., Matsuo, M. J. Biol. Chem. (1999)
- Iron status and dietary iron intake of 6-24-month-old children in Adelaide. Oti-Boateng, P., Seshadri, R., Petrick, S., Gibson, R.A., Simmer, K. Journal of paediatrics and child health. (1998)
- Maternal transferrin uptake by and transfer across the visceral yolk sac of the early postimplantation rat conceptus in vitro. Huxham, I.M., Beck, F. Dev. Biol. (1985)